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"My genre, style and discipline is an original, organic healing sound. As a multi-instrumentalist I combine years of developed technique on saxophones, orchestral flute, native style wooden flutes, djembe, electric bass, piano and singing to create and share a musical sound/art form that I have named 'Spiritual Jazz... in the St. Louis Tradition.'" "Spiritual Jazz ... on South 9th Street" displays the musical versatility of Jennings. He plays piano, alto sax, alto flute, Native American flute, Tibetan bells, healing sound glass bowls, wind chimes, and even used red lentils in a glass jar for a percussion effect. It is, above all, music about healing. As Jennings says, "The sound is there to heal the world one heart at a time." You can find "Spiritual Jazz ... on South 9th Street" online at, iTunes and Spotify. It's available as a CD in St. Louis at Vintage Vinyl, Webster Records, Mystic Valley, Mind Body Spirit, Living Insights and Rising Thoughts Bookstore/CSL
Mark Asher - Webster-Kirkwood Times

RAVEN WOLF C. FELTON JENNINGS II at the A-Frame at Les Bourgeois Rocheport, MO  10 24 2010  001 photo by doc_ike

RAVEN WOLF C. FELTON JENNINGS II at the A-Frame at Les Bourgeois Rocheport, MO 10 24 2010 001 photo by doc_ike



 “This is a Magical Mystical Meditation Concert,” he says, “not to be confused with busking.” The music he plays is “Spiritual Jazz, in the St. Louis Tradition,” and on the latter point, he feels that he’s a part of a still-evolving sound that’s endemic to this place. There’s also the spiritual context, obviously, and the CD he released just last week reflects that directly in the title: Spiritual Jazz... On South 9th Street. The album runs 19 tracks and he feels that the work will surprise people who catch him in the Soulard context, as “they hear me play one instrument at a time. With the CD, now they’ll hear what I hear, this whole orchestra that I hear in my mind.” On the disc, released on his own Pug Dog Records, the Rock Hill-based musician plays 11 instruments, including voice. There’s piano, chimes, and reeds, of course. He says that it’s a concept album, no doubt about it, with each song to be perceived as a “bread crumb that takes you on my spiritual journey.” Conversely, he also wants anyone who picks up an album to take a trip of their own, as “I want to take them to a place that they haven’t been in a while.”

Thomas Crone - SLM Daily / The Latest Intel on Life in St. Louis


 “After gaining recognition across Missouri and releasing two records on his own label, Pug Dog Records, Jennings continues to play outdoors to reach people with his unique sound, which he calls spiritual jazz. “The reason I play on the street now is to heal hearts and heal the world a heart at a time,” Jennings says. “It’s an opportunity for me to play... Columbia resident Jennifer Highbarger often stops to listen to street performers while she’s walking downtown. “I like my kids to go and see it, and I think it’s cool that (my kids) want to go,” she says. Highbarger says she admires the courage it takes for musicians to perform in public. Hodges and Jennings have different views on the dynamic between street performers and pedestrians. Whereas Jennings says he feels a connection to everyone who walks by, Hodges says he observes a separation. Jennings says he does not see a divide. “I believe there is no separation,” he explains. “ I do not meet strangers; I see myself in everyone.”  Mike Pottebaum - Vox Magazine


   RAVEN WOLF C. FELTON JENNINGS II at Lakota Coffee Company 2010   RAVEN WOLF C. FELTON JENNINGS II at Lakota Coffee Company 2010

“Like Miles Davis said, ‘All music is based on the American art form known as blues,’ ” Jennings said. “I think it’s awesome that they had enough foresight to go into the schools, and I’m glad they chose to do it.” The mural, he said, is a great counterpart to the program. “I think it was the best decision they could have made because it will last,” he said. “She’s going to be a very great individual,” he said of Mable. “She has lots of potential, and she’s only 10 years old. … She’s going to be a force of nature.” ”
Catherine Martin - Tribune / Columbia Daily


RAVEN WOLF C. FELTON JENNINGS II  'live' at the Blue Note  Babe Martin and The Chump Change Band  photo by Phyllis Kemper 07 28 2012RAVEN WOLF C. FELTON JENNINGS II 'live' at the Blue Note Babe Martin and The Chump Change Band

“After returning from performances with the Deli Llama Orchestra in Brentwood and Hollywood, Calif., one would think Raven Wolf C. Felton Jennings II is on his way to mini-celebrity status in St. Louis and Kansas City, Mo. In some ways, he is. He is a regular performer in venues in St. Louis, Kansas City, Mo., and Columbia, Mo., has released... “Spiritual Jazz on South 9th Street”--and has started the fledgling record label, Pug Dog Records. “He has a very nice setup. It’s not intrusive, and I think he does a very good job at attracting people,” DuCharme said. “It’s nice to have the positive energy. Raven Wolf has been a really nice fit for us. He’s a good man, with a good tune and a good vibe. He’s an individual trying to make a living, like me,” DuCharme said. “Raven Wolf is a very spiritual guy, and I love that about him. He plays straight from the heart, whatever comes to him. Ninety-nine percent of the sax players I know, can’t do that,” listener Ryan Donahue said.   Sydney Miller, Meenakshi Dalal and Danny Matteson - MUSIC IN THE AIR





“Sunday, November 7, 7:00 p.m. Joe’s Cafe, 6014 Kingsbury, 63112 Our winners for 2010 included: The Archive (bookstore on Cherokee Street) Bad Shoe (literary magazine) Robert Duffy ( John Foster (Accidental Mysteries) Shannon Howard ( Danielle Lee (Urban Science Adventures) Midnite Rockers (KDHX, Erica Lewis and Ital Kae) Val Schweickhardt (Metro Animal Resource Services) Sir Watermelon (aka Karl Kindt, knight) Sleepy Kitty (musicians, artists, ambassadors of cool) Joan Suarez (advocate and activist) Eduardo Vigil (KDHX ticketing czar; honor delayed to 2011) Raven Wolf (musician)”
52nd City - KICK ASS AWARDS STL / 52nd City



RAVEN WOLF C. FELTON JENNINGS II at the Historic Soulard Farmers Market 001 St. Louis, MO  07 03 2010  photo by Bill Watson   RAVEN WOLF C. FELTON JENNINGS II at the Historic Soulard Farmers Market 001 St. Louis, MO 07 03 2010 photo by Bill Watson

 “Nearly every Saturday morning for the past 19 months, Raven Wolf C. Felton Jennings II has played jazz at Soulard Market. The notes from his saxophone float over shoppers and merchants alike. "But music was always my dream. I moved to St. Louis because my blues and jazz heroes were here. Oliver Sain, James Crutchfield, Boo Boo Davis, Bennie Smith, Arthur Williams, Henry Townsend. All these cats shared. I got my sound in St. Louis. My first lesson with Lloyd Smith, about 15 minutes into it, I could hear my sound change. Johnnie Johnson, Ike Turner, Tommy Bankhead, Willie Akins. It's all here." Music had always been a part of life for Jennings... Today, Jennings makes his living... in St. Louis and in Columbia, Mo. He teaches and produces music for his company, Pug Dog Records. "At the market, on the street downtown, in the Loop, when I play... I'd like to think my music brings a peace, a recognition of spirit, when I play. Every Saturday, I see people, all kinds of families, shopping Soulard. And the vendors, they are like a family, looking out for each other, and for me, too."
Pat Eby - Post Dispatch / St. Louis



RAVEN WOLF C. FELTON JENNINGS II at  PS Music Studio 007c photo by John Hagar September 29, 2010     

RAVEN WOLF C. FELTON JENNINGS II at PS Music Studio 007c photo by John Hagar September 29, 2010



“Raven Wolf is a class act in Soulard and this gentleman is a wonderful musician. The folks who come to Soulard Market are constantly stopping to listen and chat. He's a real asset in our neighborhood.”
Jacq - Your Local Messenger / Soulard * Benton Park * Lafayette Square



RAVEN WOLF C. FELTON JENNINGS II 001 Lakota Coffee Company  Photo by Charles Powell July 15, 2011

RAVEN WOLF C. FELTON JENNINGS II 001 Lakota Coffee Company Photo by Charles Powell July 15, 2011

“Spiritual Jazz,” said Raven Wolf, “it’s a healing sound.” Unlike most street musicians, Raven Wolf chooses to spread his Spiritual Jazz to the public, rather than play familiar jazz hits. “I know many songs but I choose not to play them because that’s not what I’ve been gifted to do,” he said. “I have been gifted to bring forth a healing sound that can change the world. And that’s why I play.” Raven Wolf believes his sound can reach individuals on a spiritual level and help them to live their lives from a peaceful place. “The focus is to change the world so that people are more inclined to operate from a knowing; to operate with heartfelt intentions,” he said. In each performance or “sharing,” Raven Wolf strives to enlighten... “I call my music sharing,” In May, Raven Wolf started a record label called Pug Dog Records, named after his beloved pug dog, Fred, who passed in November 2006. Currently, Raven Wolf is working on a CD entitled “Spiritual Jazz ...on South 9th Street”
Jessica Lackey - Your Local Messenger / Soulard * Benton Park * Lafayette Square





“RAVEN WOLF C. FELTON JENNINGS II (playing himself) RAVEN WOLF is a healing sound recording artist with PUG DOG RECORDS, LLC. A well-loved street performer in the University City Loop and downtown St. Louis, he has performed ‘Spiritual Jazz’ in the St. Louis tradition for more than 13 years. RAVEN WOLF is well known for his Magical Mystical Meditation Concerts, Healing Drum Spiriting Concerts and Full Moon Ceremonies atop Cahokia Monk’s Mound. He also teaches Native American flute, drums and saxophone lessons for students of all ages. RAVEN WOLF is a practicing Reiki Master of the Usui Shiki Ryoho natural system of healing and a Master Teacher in the Sekhem-Seichim-Reiki VII Method of Universal Healing.    ”Mary Schanuel - Senergy Group Marketing Communications



RAVEN WOLF C. FELTON JENNINGS II 'EYE ON THE SPARROW: The World Within St. Louis' photo by Tony Schanuel 2010

“Gitana’s “Eye On The Sparrow: The World Within St. Louis” explores the 'human sparrows' among us Special guests in the performance include the vibrant St. Louis gospel singer Sister Ruth Ann Latchison-Nichols and RAVEN WOLF C. FELTON JENNINGS II, a healing sound recording artist with Pug Dog Records who performs spiritual jazz in the St. Louis tradition. RAVEN WOLF C. FELTON JENNINGS II performs solo jazz, drums, Native American flute and his Magical Mystical Meditation Concerts and Healing Drum Spiriting Concerts throughout the Midwest. He has been performing for more than 17 years and is often seen playing saxophone on Delmar in the University City Loop and at the Historic Soulard Farmer’s Market. “Our neighborhoods are filled with sparrows, so common that we hardly notice them,” said Nadal, executive director of Gitana Productions. “St. Louis also is full of human ‘sparrows’ – ordinary people who are hardly noticed but who meet the challenges of life with dignity, humor and fierce courage.”
Mary Schanuel - Senergy Group Marketing Communications Famous Last Words:  ...Change Your Music!  ...Change Your Life!