RAVEN WOLF shares his story ...enjoy
On September 4th in the year 2000 my father made his transition from life to after-life ...i then shaved my head to outwardly express gratitude for his many years of giving to my life and for the honor that i felt as his number-one son.
...i began to feel a strong desire to stand on Monk’s Mound (Cakokia Mounds which is located in Collinsville, Illinois) at Sunset. For the next thirteen days ...i journeyed there shortly before twilight ...i would climb over 137 stairs to sit on the grass and pray, reminisce and sometimes cry ...but mostly to sit quietly watching the beauty of each Sunset while playing my Native American style flute.
After 13 days ...i continued to spend time at the mound on weekends. On Friday, October 13th, 2000, while playing my flute during the early moments of twilight, ...i heard a voice call out “RAVEN WOLF” ...i answered, “Yes?” ...i stood up and began to physically search Monk’s Mound for the source of this call, looking for pranksters, yet finding no one ...my car was still the only one in the parking lot ...i thought to myself, “Man! ...That sure did sound like Daddy’s voice!” So with my car key i began to carve the two words into the side of my flute… ‘R A V E N W O L F’
...and then i felt the Full Moon rise over my shoulder.
My elders have spoken many times saying:
…His name came to him on the wind;
…The words “RAVEN WOLF” sounded from out of the Great Mystery, calling him out of his twilight meditation;
…So begins his “Awakening Journey”
To this day P.M. Twilight is my favorite time of day.
Healing Sound Recording Artist
...many people continue have asked: ”...is this your real name?"
...my answer to this questions is ...”Yes” ...”my Father gave me this name”
...my first name is RAVEN WOLF (...my first name is ‘TWO WORDS’ ...not one word!!!)
...C. FELTON ...my middle name ...JENNINGS II ...is my last name
...to my “Wolf Pack”, ...Thank You so very much for being in my life ...Be Well
...my Famous Last Words: ...Change Your Music! ...Change Your Life!